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Sunday, January 24, 2010

NYX Cosmetics

Are You NYX Cosmetics Addicts??


You don't even know that fabulous brand???

NYX Cosmetics ni adalah brand kosmetik yg agak popular di US.
Popular sbb ape?
Sebab harganya yang sangat MURAH!!!
Bila murah sgt, org kata kualiti x elok kan? But this brand mmg SUPERB la:)
Boleh dikatakan setanding dgn MAC. Tp NYX ni lebih murah.
NYX Cosmetics merangkumi lips,eyes,body,face n semua tools utk make up pn ada.

Memandangkan NYX Cosmetics masih tiada dlm pasaran Malaysia, tp ada la skit2 yg jual online. Harga variasi jugak la.. Permintaan utk NYX di Malaysia agak tinggi kalau ikut research.
Yang tak kenal brand ni pn akan tertarik kalau diorang google sndr pasal brand ni. Masuk website NYX Cosmetics, tgk la sndr. RAMBANG MATA BEB:)

Color2 utk lipstick,lipgloss,eyeshadows...FUH~ mmg menjadi kegilaan wanita:)
So,ape tunggu lg??Tengok la sndr:)


Bg yg nak purchase products dr brand ni, jgn lupa jd follower qis dl.. Sbb qis akan bwk masuk NYX dlm blog:) Harga murah je.
Jgn lupa sentiasa jenguk blog ni k:)

With love,


Actually kan, bila cakap je pasal kecantikann, semua akan kata tu topik kaum hawa.
Rase2 btol ke?
Of coz la btol kan? hehehe..

kecantikan luar dan dalam mmg sgt penting bg setiap manusia. Tak kira laki atau perempuan.
Tapi perempuan ni bg perhatian lebih skit la berbanding laki kalau pasal topik kecantikannih.kecantikan ape? Kecantikan pada penampilan:)

Bagi yang bertudung, kecantikan dititikberatkan pada tudung:) Sekarang ni trend selendang dh menjadi2. Kalau jumpa gadis2 pakai selendang, mesti ada je dgr nama 'yuna' diseru2... Yelah.. Yuna yang mempopularkan fesyen pakai selendang ni. Lepas dia meletup, selendang makin byk:)

Korang minat selendang tak?

Jenguk2 la blog qis yg 1 lagi.. jual selendang tau. Cantik:) Murah je. Dont Worry La. Affordable.

click je:)


By ,

How to apply lipstick? I don't believe in rules to applying lipstick. Some women use special lipstick brushes. I own one and never, ever use it. Others use their middle finger (I once said this was a beauty faux pas and got reamed by a reader, I have since changed my mind). Most women apply right from the tube. Choose what's right for you, as long as the color gets on the lips, you're good.

Use liner on your lips as a base. Lipstick will last longer if you fill in your lips with the liner first. If you're using light lipstick, try a nude liner. Then slick your lipstick on top.Lip gloss is infamous for wearing off fast, but if you fill in lips first with the liner, the gloss has something to stick to.

You can line before or after you apply lipstick or gloss. Some women prefer to apply liner first, arguing that you won't be able to see the natural line of your lips if you apply lipstick first. But I find lips look more natural when I line lips after I apply lipstick.

Never use a dark liner with light lipstick. Defined lips are great, but make sure the liner matches the lipstick or gloss. Dark liner and light lips is tacky.

Never use a test lipstick on your lips. It's just plain unhygienic. Instead, test lipstick on your fingertips. It's a closer fit to your lips than the back of your hand.

Don't throw out a bad color lipstick. Beauty editors know you can create a great lipcolor by blending lipsticks you don't like. You can also color in lips with a darker liner before applying a lipstick that's too bright.

Keep lipstick off glass. Discreetly lick your lips before taking a sip from a glass. It works!

Keep lipstick off your teeth with this trick. After applying lipstick, take your index finger and pop it in your mouth, then pull it out. The excess lipstick will come off on your finger rather than your teeth.

Lipstick can act as a blush. But never use blush as a lipstick.

The older you are, the "creamier" your lips should look. If your lips are thinned out and wrinkled, avoid matte or a gloss and stick with a creamy lipstick.

Not all lipstick shades look good on everyone.Your skin color will determine what shades are right on you. You may like a lipstick on your friend, but it may not look good on you. Orange or brown shades, including corals, look good on few people. These shades tend to make teeth appear yellow.

Camouflage yellowed teeth. To downplay a yellow cast to teeth, try lipsticks with a bluish undertone. Shades that work include plums, pinks, wines and violets, according to Lazarus, a NYC makeup artist, in the June, 2007, issue of O magazine.

Heal -- don't throw out -- a broken lipstick. If your lipstick breaks off, simply take off the broken portion with a tissue, then slowly wave a lit match under the broken piece of lipstick. When it's melted a bit, put it back on the base, swivel it down and put it in the fridge -- uncovered -- for 30 minutes.Lipstick done?You might notice there's still a bit of lipstick down in the tube. Scrape out the last bits with a cotton swap or orange stick and mix it with Vaseline or lip gloss in a lipstick palette. Use a lip brush to apply.

I also love this tip shared by reader Patti Campbell. She scoops out the lipstick remnants from the bottoms of her tubes and she puts them in a pill case, "the one with the days of the week individually capped." She then nukes the pill case until the lipstick melts. Campbell uses a lip brush and enjoys seven new lipsticks. I would think this is perfect for the purse.

Welcome To Qis Beauty Care

Salam and hye ladies:)

Today is the launching for
Qis Beauty Care online:)
Yeah, you've reached the world of cosmetics!!
The world where the girls really addicted!!

Do You Care About your LIPS??

We'll come back soon with the most adorable and cheapest LIPSTICKS and LIPGLOSS ever..

CHEAPEST?? Which Brand??

It's NYX!!!
NYX cosmetics has become one of the fastest growing cosmetic companies in the United States.

Don't seem familiar? Click at the link below:)

Wait for our upcoming post yaa... You'll never regret it:)

With Love,